Cold Temperature Care

In Dallas, we usually see the first frost toward the end of November. Frost can take a toll on your plants.

So what can you do to keep your garden in tip top shape? Here are a few tips:

Tropical Milkweed
Tropical Milkweed
  • Leave your leaves!  By shredding your leaves with a lawn mower and not bagging them, you are giving the grass an extra layer of insulation.
  • Give tender plants, like tropical milkweed an extra layer of compost or mulch.  This will help protect them against a frost. 
  • Finally, don’t forget to bring in your container gardens! If the pots are too large to move, you can use a frost cloth, or even an old bed sheet to protect your plants!

Then there is Frostweed, when temperatures drop below freezing, liquid in the stalks slowly pushes out, making gorgeous natural sculptures.

Stop by Texas Discovery Gardens to see how we’ve prepared for winter!

Frostweed Sculptures

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Texas Discovery Gardens